On 05/10/2018 09:10 AM, Warren Young wrote:
On May 10, 2018, at 1:33 AM, Karanbir Singh kbsingh@centos.org wrote:
I am pleased to announce the general availability of CentOS Linux 7 (1804) for across all architectures.
I’ve checked about a dozen of the mirrors, and see no *.torrent files yet. Any idea how long they’ll take to appear? I ask because we’re building a system today, so if it’s going to be more than a few hours, I’ll grab the ISO file directly, but otherwise, I’d prefer to spread the load.
OK .. the torrent files are on mirror.centos.org and the torrent server has seeds, so the torrents can now be downloaded.
Special thanks for the torrents go to Anssi Johansson (avji on freenode/IRC), who also manages our external mirror database and the ipv6 mirrorlist server. Anssi is always key to us getting out release as a valued member of the QA team .. but for this release he was even more so.
While thanking people .. The entire QA team help tremendously (as always) .. Specifically very helpful were these non CentOS core team members:
Akemi Yagi Anssi Johansson Manuel Wolfshant Pablo Greco John Dennison Trevor Hemsley Christoph Galuschka James O'Connor
And keeping the Community Build System going: Thomas Oulevey
And someone who always helps me figure out all the build issues: Tuomo Soini (Foobar Linux team)
And the rest of the CentOS Core team: Karanbir Singh Jim Perrin Fabian Arrotin Brian Stinson
There is no way would could have got this release out the door without each of these people. (Obviously, if I forgot anyone, feel free to slap me next time you seem me :D )
Thanks, Johnny Hughes