On 14.12.2010 19:49, m.roth@5-cent.us wrote:
Hey, Jason,
Jason T. Slack-Moehrle wrote:
I have a new system with 2 Seagate 1TB SATA Enterprise level drives in it.
I want to RAID1 (mirror) these drives.
<snip> > So if I simplify, I must: > 1. Create a software raid partition on each drive > 2. Create a RAID 1 out of that partition and use a mount point of /boot
Only if you want to mirror the boot partition.
- Create other mount points I might want i.e swap, /home, etc
- Create RAID1 out of these partitions
Only if you want each directory RAIDed. DO NOT mirror swap. Bad idea.
I am surprised. I always done /boot partitions as raid 1 and I always did swap as raid 1 and therefore I would be interested about any arguments (well better facts) against doing so.