you can't run it? or can't find it?
if it doesn't want to run, it probably is because you're not forwarding X11 in your server, in this case your mac. the ssh server nees to do/allow that
what about executing it remotely :
ssh -X myuser@theremote-mac "open -a Firefox" ?
if that doesn't work, it's probably your X11 forwarding
On 11/11/20 3:56 PM, S Bob wrote:
I can ssh -X myuser@theremote-mac
but I cannot run /usr/bin/firefox.
I can run "open -a Firefox" on the mac but then it just opens firefox on the mac
On 11/11/20 3:45 PM, R C wrote:
I do it all the time.
make sure you forward X11, on the ssh server side, and login with ssh -X me@myhost.whatever
start firefox with:
/usr/bin/firefox -no-remote if you don't want the remote pages ending up in your local browser
or if you don't care, just run firefox without -no-remote
or however you start firefox on a mac.
On 11/11/20 3:39 PM, S Bob wrote:
Hi all;
I'm trying to setup an ssh tunnel so I can run firefox on a remote laptop and have the display locally.
I have 2 laptops
local = CentOS 7
remote = mac OSX 10.15.7
I want to create an ssh tunnel on the local CentOS 7 laptop, then run firefox on the mac with the display showing up on the CentOS laptop.
Is this doable?
Thanks in advance
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