On Sun, 2016-05-01 at 10:57 +0200, Leon Fauster wrote:
blacklisting is not a good practice, use the suggested whitelist ...
I disagree from practical experience. My Exim mail servers (MTAs) refused connections from 'amateur' mail senders such as:-
*airtelbroadband.in *adsl.alicedsl.de *dynamic.se.alltele.net *alshamil.net.ae *adsl.anteldata.net.uy *aphie.info *pools.arcor-ip.net *static.arcor-ip.net *as9105.com *as13285.net *as43234.net
et cetera
and from professional spammers
*compute.amazonaws.com *isp.att.net *bmsend.com *chtah.com *chtah.net *descene.org *dmdelivery.com *dnsinspect.com *edmspread.com *emsmtp.com *emsmtp.us *everydayedeals.com
et cetera
My philosophy is not to be a willing victim of spam and other unwanted time-wasting junk. It is only when concerned citizens like Alice (in) Wonder(land) critically re-examine the status quo, and the justification for it, that things may improve.
Mankind never advances when there is no questioning of established practises.