On Tue, Oct 8, 2013 at 10:09 AM, Timothy Murphy gayleard@eircom.net wrote:
I'm running an openvpn server on a CentOS machine - that is my excuse for posting my query here - and I'm wondering if there is some way of finding all the clients (not just those connected at this moment) who have been registered as clients of the openvpn server?
All users should have a key in /etc/openvpn/easy-rsa/2.0/keys So that might be one source of usernames.
Also look through /etc/openvpn/server.conf . There might be a line which verifies usernames, for example, from the OpenVPN 2 Cookbook: tls-verify /etc/openvpn/cookbook/example6-5-tls-verify.sh so you'd need to look at that file and example6-5-tls-verfiy.sh.allowed
There are other possibilities that list all allowed users. See the Cookbook.