That would do the trick, installing the program, thank you :)
Alexander Dalloz wrote:
Am Sa, den 28.01.2006 schrieb Kai Sandsengen um 1:22:
I can't log on to my ldap server port 389 with my browser. service seems to be running.
Big question mark. What do you expect from trying to speak HTTP with the OpenLDAP server? I don't see what kind of sense that would make. Use `ldapsearch' or whatever tool from the LDAP clients software to interact with the LDAP server.
I assumed that phpldapadmin was installed since I have a program called php-ldap. And therefore tried to contact phpldapadmin. I used port 389 because i cant find any info within the doc.
O, I see :) No, you are on the wrong path: php-ldap is not phpldapadmin! It (php-ldap) is just the module for PHP to use LDAP functions within PHP code.
You should use that repository and install phpldapadmin from there.
This gui works very well with my debian server.
It works on CentOS fine too.
I think my problem is within the httpd.conf.
No, it is most certainly not. Given you follow the advise to install the phpldapadmin RPM from you need to configure /etc/phpldapadmin/config.php with your specific server information, as well /etc/httpd/conf.d/phpldapadmin.conf.
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