David G. Miller wrote:
Robert kerplop@sbcglobal.net wrote"
This was in root's mail on a newly-installed CentOS-5 system.
To: root@beauregard.localdomain Content-Type: text/plain; charset="ANSI_X3.4-1968" Subject: Anacron job for 'beauregard.localdomain' cron.daily /etc/cron.daily/logrotate: error: sa-update:3 unknown option 'notifyempty' -- ignoring line ^ | *
But after looking at the file in question, it sure appears to me that the "y" is the result of a "typo" on the part of logrotate -- and who ever heard of machines making typos!
root@beauregard logrotate.d]# cat sa-update /var/log/sa-update.log { monthly notifempty missingok } [root@beau
Perhaps the Menehune, speaking Jabberwocky? :-) At any rate, there are 16 files in /etc/logrotate.d containing a "notifempty" line and it hiccuped only the one time.
The same error occurred on FC6. Unfortunately, it looks like the fix never got brought forward to RHEL5. See this thread:
Cheers, Dave
Dave, I think it WAS incorporated. That error was generated before I did the massive update that some were groaning about and has not happened since. One of the packages that was updated was spamassassin.
[root@beauregard ~]# grep spamassassin /var/log/messages Apr 12 23:32:37 beauregard Updated: spamassassin.i386 3.1.8-2.el5
The RPM on the DVD is spamassassin-3.1.7-4.el5.i386.rpm and without looking, I'll bet there is an error in the sa-update file in this version. My faith in "pore ol' beauregard"'s typing ability has been restored!
Thanks for the reply!