On 8/4/2011 09:48:51 AM , Jerry Geis wrote:
Hi all, I have additional TTF fonts I purchased and added to CentOS 5.6. I used the commands chkfontpath and ttmkfdir to do that . These dont seem to be in CentOS 6 . How do I add fonts to openoffice for CentOS 6? Thanks, Jerry
Usually, when I want to add fonts in centos(5.X or 6.0 ), I use this way: (under root permission, or use "sudo" to execute the following commands) cp /my/font /usr/share/fonts/myfont -Rf cd /usr/share/fonts/myfont/ mkfontscale mkfontdir fc-cache
These works in gnome desktop for adding fonts in openoffice/libreoffice, hope this help you!
Cheers, Simon.Sun.