On 02/07/15 23:06, Mark LaPierre wrote:
Hey all,
On my X86-64 CentOS 6.6 machine I just ran yum update. In the update was an upgrade from the 340.XX Nvidia package to the 346.XX package. Hrmmm? I'm thinking this is not a good idea but, since this is just a test system any way, I let it run. Sure enough I was right. Dmesg says that my video is supported by the 340.XX driver, not the 346.XX driver. It's not happy cause it can't find a supported GPU.
- So, having only a command line interface, how do I tell yum to rip
out the 346.XX package and reinstall the 340.XX package?
- How do I tell yum not to do such stupid stuff again?
1st. Thank all of you for your helpful advice. What I did was essentially what you all suggested.
I have my 32 bit production machine that uses the same 340.XX driver. I opened a terminal on that machine and did:
[mlapier@mushroom ~]$ rpm -qa | grep nvid nvidia-detect-346.35-1.el6.elrepo.i686 kmod-nvidia-304xx-304.125-1.el6.elrepo.i686 nvidia-x11-drv-304xx-304.125-1.el6.elrepo.i686 [mlapier@mushroom ~]$
That gave me the list of packages that live on that machine.
I went to /var/log/yum.log on the 64 bit machine to see what had been installed. I ripped it out by the roots and then installed the same 64 bit packages that live on my 32 bit machine.
yum install nvidia-detect, kmod-nvidia-304xx, nvidia-x11-drv-304xx
Now yum update finds no nvidia packages to install, and it will stay that way. All better
Again, thank you all for your willingness to help and for your on target suggestions. CentOS has the best supporters!