I've been working at getting a tftp server up an running in a chroot jail, and I have finally succeed getting almost everything working. The server itself works fine, however, it is implemented as a tcpwrapper application (ie: in.tftpd) and I am having trouble getting it to resolve DNS names. I copied my /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny in my chroot/etc folder, however, they only work properly if I provide IP addresses. If I use FQDN, they fail.
For instance, in hosts.allow: in.tfptd: allow
works fine
But the following fails in.tftptd: eric.test.com allow
I'm assuming I am missing a library/libraries in my chroot jail, but am not sure which ones. I've got all the libs req'd by ldd, but I am guessing there is something else that I am missing.
Any suggestions?