unfortunately plesk requires root to install so it takes over the mysql server..:(
John Newbigin wrote:
So plesk has some bugs... why re-install mysql? If you don't know the password you can just start it up with --skip-grant-tables and set a new one.
I don't know why but it seems common for mysql apps to screw up the root account (mediawiki did this recently). The solution? don't put your root password into an untrusted application. Create a new account using the mysql command line client and then give those details to your application.
William Warren wrote:
I installed plesk(first mistake at least here..<G>) and it got in my way in some area more than it helped. The first thing it did was deny root access to mysqld and i could not find the username and password for adding another database. I removed plesk and mysql. when i used yum to reinstall mysql i was then told root @ localhost was denied. I removed mysql again and nuked all of the mysql files i could find that were left behind. Now when i reinstall it won't even start. Any ideas?