On Fri, Apr 13, 2007 at 10:22:48AM +0200, Marco Fais wrote:
Hi all,
I'm installing Centos 5.0 (fresh install) x86_64 via NFS. I've downloaded just the DVD iso via bittorrent, but when it starts the graphical installation phase an error message appears telling me that anaconda can't find the CD iso in the remote server.
Seems that's looking for Centos-5.0-x86_64-bin-1of7.iso, I'm downloading it right now to go ahead but... I think I'm doing something wrong or there is some problems in the NFS DVD install...
Anyway, thanks for the great work folks!
Let me know if you need more informations, bye!
With CentOS 5 you can only use CD ISO images with "NFS image" install, or alternatively you can loopback-mount the DVD iso on the nfs-server, and share the contents of the DVD and use that export in the installer.
I think it's mentioned in the release notes.
-- Pasi