Years ago, I set up a backup tool that wrapped rsync. It has faithfully and reliably backed up a dozen hosts and too many TB of data to mention, offsite, automatically saving as many backup points as disk space allows. You're certainly welcome to try it!
It works on an "ascending powers" basis, EG:
1 day ago, 2 days ago, 4 days ago, 8 days ago, 16 days ago... .... until out of disk space.
On Thursday 25 February 2010 10:22:13 am Mike McCarty wrote:
Agnello George wrote:
The requirement fro backup is not primarily for HDD failure , but human error failure . In case one of our user ( eg: the COO with huge mailbox size has delete all his certain very important mails, and he want to recover them , the contacts us as we are supposed to maintain his mail backup for a week, and we should restore his backup immediately ) this the main requirement for the backup and that too on the same server different partition .
Have you considered using a snapshot approach? By that, I mean one which uses hard links to create the "backup", and as files get added/ modified, the data are copied, and links are created. Usually, one has a snapshot directory with something like a daily snapshot, and 24 hourly ones, something like that.