Karanbir Singh wrote:
Sorin@Gmail wrote:
Hi all,
Am I the only one to have had a totally trouble-free upgrade to 5.2?? I get the feeling that most everybody seems to have *some* problems...
well, how it works is that the millions of machines out there where it just worked, wont get reported, but if things break people could use a helpinghand, or just something to sync with other people who have similar problems.
Going by your take of things, looking at the bugs.centos.org site - one might conclude that OhMyGod,NothingWorks,PanicPanicPanic, is there anything on this ship that is good!!
Which would, even if I may say so myself, be quite wrong!
I think everything is good :D Just a few people run into issues, so they report them ( and they should, its what makes us a community! )
As KB says, we estimate more than 2 million CentOS installs out there, so the number of major issues are fairly small compared to that.
We have identified several upstream issues that we have put in the Release Notes (see the known issues section) and for most we have testing packages to fix them.
Thanks, Johnny Hughes