On Thu, 20 Jun 2013 15:11:32 +0000, Rock wrote:
Someone much smarter than I am already failed today due to dependencies:
Here's a response from the Pinta Developer's Group today: https://groups.google.com/forum/?fromgroups#!topic/pinta/JiJoNTNCGFA
[quote] IgorZ Currently there is no RPM package available from Pinta maintainers, but this has been discussed as it would be nice feature.
For a starting point, you can try to convert the deb to rpm as described at: http://www.thegeekstuff.com/2010/11/alien-command-examples/
Also, Pinta can also be installed using the tarball. 1. Download the tarball: $ wget http://www.pinta-project.com/download.ashx 2. Then use the classical: $ ./configure $ make $ sudo make install 3. Run pinta with the command: $ pinta
- Arrows (curved, dashed, dotted, straight, pointy, solder dots, etc.)
This is planned for Google Summer of Code 2013 by Andrew: https://groups.google.com/forum/?hl=en&fromgroups=#!topic/pinta/sjEXOTwS...
The plan is to get this done to mid September and probably a month or two later before the new Pinta releases.
- Open boxes and circles to highlight areas of the screenshot
Can you please describe in more detail what do you mean?
- Intuitive ad-hoc text that doesn't need a pre-defined bounding box
Also don't understand what is your idea? Can you create print-screen or something to demonstrate idea.
Hopefully Pinta will do those three things too!
Can you please be so nice and report this ideas on Pinta's idea web page: https://pinta.uservoice.com/forums/105955-general
I you get more votes then it is more likely the idea will get implemented. But please when reporting idea write more details, maybe add some print-screen or step-by-step instructions from the other tool.
By the way we are currently approaching 1.5 release (only one single bug to solve). This release will make it way more easy to write plug-ins. So if someone is interested to implement some additional features, then a plug-in can be written. [/quote]