thank you sir rodrigo barbosa for your quickly responce you would suggest to me a TLS not SSL, can give pointe how to do that, i want to secure my connection for outgoing to my mail server,any suggestion sir,thank you again.
On Wednesday 05 July 2006 16:11, Rodrigo Barbosa wrote:
On Wed, Jul 05, 2006 at 04:10:02PM +0800, dennis f. castaneda wrote:
hello to ALL
I have installed CentOS 4.3 final configuring mail server with postfix for MTA ,i want to implement outgoing mail (SMTP) using/requiring a secure connection (SSL),any links/guide that might be suggest to solve my solve my problem,any suggestion will appreciates,thank you to all,please help me.
You are going to have a lot of trouble using SMTP over SSL. It is, really, not worth the effort, even tho it is possible.
Your best luck is using just TLS, which can be negotiated over a regular SMTP connection.
I really can't give you pointers, since I never implemented it using Postfix, only Exim.
If you really want to implemente SMTP over SSL, I suggest you take a look at stunnel (avaliable on CentOS).