I was just shown the solution to my problem, using the "sfdisk" program instead of the "fdisk" or "parted" programs. Apparently "parted" could not work because the drive is not really SCSI, and the "fdisk" program is to "incorrect" and was overwriting a portion of the disk. however, "sfdisk" turns out to be more correct -- although more cumbersome to use.
On Thursday 12 August 2010 17:56, Dan Yamins wrote:I suggest you try Parted Magic: http://partedmagic.com/
> I have an NFS volume that I'm trying to resize a partition on.
It doesn't do anything you can't do from the command line, but it's much
easier to use.
Yves Bellefeuille <yan@storm.ca>
"Au Bellefeuille estas malkompetenta juristo au li estas malhonesta;
kaj ech tertium datur: ambau malvirtoj en unu homo." -- Heroldo
Komunikas, n-ro 447.
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