Yeah, this issue’s been brought up in the past. One of the maintainer of FC 13 made the srpm available (I believe he prepped the spec file) for RHEL/CentOS 5 for dhcpd 4.1. We started looking at it and the problems are the dependencies and the dependencies of the dependencies. There are no srpms or rpms for those and the project becomes a real monster.
We’ve found the problem is generally caused by the time being out of sync between the servers or the dhcpd daemon on one of the boxes dies. To mitigate this problem we’ve setup custom Nagios alerts which utilize dhcping to alert us when a dhcpd process dies. We’ve also setup custom scripts that will restart the dead process on the box. So, we’re just waiting for CentOS 6 to be released.
Matt Ausmus
Network Administrator
Chapman University
635 West Palm Street
Orange, CA 92868
"Nothing is ever accomplished by a reasonable man."
-Bucy’s Law
From: Waleed Harbi [] Sent: Thursday, October 14, 2010 1:49 PM To: CentOS mailing list Subject: Re: [CentOS] dhcpd rpm
Try find-out SPEC file and rpm source, recompile it, this is the faster way I think, if you have big issue.
Fedora they released 4.1, check it.
-------------------------- Best Wishes, Waleed Harbi
Dream | Do | Be
On Thu, Oct 14, 2010 at 11:44 PM, wrote:
JohnS wrote:
On Thu, 2010-10-14 at 14:58 -0400, wrote:
We've been having occasional issues with failover dhcpd. I went looking for "peer holds all free leases", and happened to run across, which is rated important, and is supposed to be fixed in 3.0.5-24. Looking at the repo at, all I see is what we have, dhclient-3.0.5-23.el5.x86_64.rpm.
Any idea when this update will be released?
Bother to even look on Upstreams Site? It's not freely available yet as I see it.
No, I hadn't. I'm just a tad surprised - that was rated "important", and looked as though it would be released soon. And with 6 coming soon, I was thinking, though I haven't gone to look, that they'd have 3.1 or 4.x.
Thanks, though.
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