Le 03/09/2010 10:58, Marcelo M. Garcia a écrit :
giggzounet wrote:
So I must have a directory (for example /opt/compiler/gcc) with the different versions of gcc (4.1 and 4.4 in my case). Then the module tcl script chooses one and exclude the other, does it ?
in order to have these gcc directories can I just copy the files from the installed rpm ? or must I compile the different gcc versions by myself ?
To be honest, I'm a little bit confused. If you install from the rpms the binaries will have different names : gcc, gcc34, etc. So why the hassle to differentiate them?
Unless, instead, you only set environment variables CC=gcc or CC=gcc34. But sounds silly.
ok. but if script are using direct gcc...and not the varaible CC ?
I think this make more sense if you have different MPI compilers, like, one mpicc (gcc34), other mpicc(gcc41), etc. Or different BLAS libraries, like libblas or libgoto etc.
it is my problem...with mpicc for example. And I though I could solve it with a gcc44 module or a gcc41 module. For example I have gcc 4.4 installed, how can say to mpicc to use it ?
Thx for your patience :) Best regards Guillaume