On 03/06/16 19:45, Chris Murphy wrote:
On Sat, Mar 5, 2016 at 11:48 AM, g geleem@bellsouth.net wrote:
usb's sticks were created using unetbootin and fedora-liveusb-creator. yes, i did not mention that i tried with 2 usb sticks. failure was same, did not feel it mattered. failure is failure.
No, unetbootin is pretty unreliable. I've actually not had it work reliably with Fedora ISOs since forever, but I mainly use (U)EFI systems is possibly why, but it doesn't appear to rewrite the bootloader stuff correctly at all. At this point I've totally given up on it.
Fedora liveusb-creator ought to work. But... And it's also currently undergoing a rewrite. The most reliable way to create USB stick media for CentOS and Fedora is dd.
now that i think about it, it was fedora liveusb-creator usb that worked on laptop. my recall has not been up to norm these last few days. :-(
so you are saying that netinstall is incorrectly written because it ask for a cd and not an internet connection?
Seems suspicious to me yes. A netinstall uses a network source, there are no packages on the netinstall media itself.
aware. now i am wondering just how i got it installed with netinstall. right now, i am still wore out, oxyc out, chemo-brain, my thinking may now be what i thought.
i would think that the dev's would have corrected the wording being that netinstall has been a part of last 2 or 3 versions.
'selection on default'? do not recall seeing anything related to such.
OK I just ran the CentOS 6.7 netinstall ISO in gnome-boxes and it's not the graphical anaconda that I'm used to with Fedora. There's an "installation method" and it has Local CD/DVD selected at the top, but that clearly needs to be set to URL or it's simply not a netinstall. And then you need to give it a URL for a mirror, like this: http://www.if-not-true-then-false.com/2011/centos-6-netinstall-network-insta...
This is preconfigured in Fedora for their netinstalls. I have no idea how CentOS does it, but it doesn't appear to be ready to go.
centos devs are a little slow with some things, but quick on others. for sure, if it is a security risk, they get on top of them and 'out the door'. i subscribe to 'announce' for both and centos is usually within 24 hours when a security notice is out.