So, if my WAN IP adress is 83.238.*.* then i need to run DHCP server in the same class of if address. But, if got only this address and i will setup in eg: to 15 range for eth0:0 and there is a machine with WAN address like if gonna to make IP address colission? or then it will be avalible only as LAN Address for my server?
/Best Regards *Grzegorz Sołtys*/ __________________ UML Professional (Cert #251574932)
W dniu 2013-02-03 14:50, Johnny Hughes pisze:
On 02/03/2013 07:38 AM, Grzegorz Sołtys wrote:
I have made it, and the DHCP server won't start telling me:
" Feb 3 13:42:21 vlan19 dhcpd: No subnet declaration for eth0:0 (no IPv4 addresse s). Feb 3 13:42:21 vlan19 dhcpd: ** Ignoring requests on eth0:0. If this is not what Feb 3 13:42:21 vlan19 dhcpd: you want, please write a subnet declaration Feb 3 13:42:21 vlan19 dhcpd: in your dhcpd.conf file for the network segment Feb 3 13:42:21 vlan19 dhcpd: to which interface eth0:0 is attached. ** "
I have conifgured all files to use DHCPD on this interface. Do you need all conifguraiton?
Inside your dhcpd.conf file you need a subnet declaration and the IP Address of ETH0:0 has to be in that subnet.
So, for example, if I have:
subnet mask { option <whatever> option <whatever2> }
Then eth0:0 would have to be inside the IP Range of the subnet ... in this case, is the IP addresses from through (with 16 and 31 being not usable as they are the network name and the broadcast address). This would mean that eth0:0's IP address would need to be somewhere in the range of and to serve that subnet.
W dniu 2013-02-03 14:28, Johnny Hughes pisze:
On 02/03/2013 06:38 AM, Grzegorz Sołtys wrote:
Hello All
I have looking for any specific answer for one thing.
I have a virtualized Server with only one physical interface eth0 (WAN). To run OpenVPN i need to use DHCP server. And here is the question: is there a chance to run DHCP server on eth0:0 interface? Or it is impossible ?
Thanks in advance.
From the EL6 Deployemtn Guide:
"If a system has three network interfaces cards -- eth0, eth1, and eth2 -- and it is only desired that the DHCP daemon listens on eth0, then only specify eth0 in /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd" DHCPDARGS="eth0"
So in your case, edit the file /etc/sysconfig/dhcpd and set:
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