Feizhou feizhou@graffiti.net wrote:
So discussions about how to manage a farm of centos boxes should be done elsewhere?
I am just sick of being the "coincidental person" who is quoted. People can argue it is volume -- but I _ignore_ the thread for 3 days, and then make 3 posts, and I'm quoted right afterwards!
Sometimes I think it's the technical detail that I put in my post that pisses people off more than the volume. This was a perfect example. I do my _damnest_ to try to detail _real_ technical _solutions_ and not a "wish list rant" for 5+ days.
If other people are ranting about what they want, and I come in and list specific, detailed technical information, possible solutions, how they will and won't work, why oh why am I held up as an example? I'm sorry, the "it's because you think you're smarter than anyone else" argument does _not_ hold.
I have tried to provide possible solutions to people, not to sport my "knowledge," but to try to get them to be more productive. I'm sorry I even re-entered the thread. But it was just as "noisy" for 3 days when I let it be.