Sorry for being too critical. I hope we have a better understanding between us (customer and provider).
Thanks --- Lee
On Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 1:00 PM Lee Thomas Stephen wrote:
I subscribe (pay) for a lot of things personally. Music, Movies, Anti Virus, VPN, Storage, etc. But for my business, I do not want to pay Red Hat, Zimbra, or Google Workspace. Why ? Because the general rule seems to be Oh! You are an individual, we will offer you affordable/free service What! You are a business, we will offer you extremely 'unaffordable' service. Because being a 'business' by default means you have a 'lot' of money to waste.
Just my two cents.
On Fri, Jul 21, 2023 at 5:43 AM Gordon Messmer wrote:
On 2023-07-20 04:36, Itamar Reis Peixoto wrote:
my predict is that they will continue as a #rebuilder / #freeloader, writing software is a hard work. #offensive terms to the community :-), hide hat wrote it.
No, they didn't.
That term was bandied about on social media by people who were speculating about the reasoning behind discontinuing the practice of debranding and publishing packages from RHEL minor releases.
Mike McGrath responded to the use of that term by social media personalities to explain that the only group that Red Hat (for better or worse) considers freeloaders are large businesses who keep a small number of licensed RHEL systems so that when they have problems in their production network (which isn't running RHEL), they can reproduce the problem on RHEL and ask Red Hat for support. That practice is dishonest and abusive.
If you're not doing that specific thing, then Red Hat is not calling you a freeloader.
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