Hello I have at this time a w3are 7006-2 controller in my server Dual Xenon 2.8Ghz . But now i will change it to a 9500S-4LP SATA Raid Controller. I have seen in lsmod that the 7000 driver is loaded.
scsi_mod 115112 3 [sg 3w-xxxx sd_mod]
My question Is it possible to running this card with centos 3.3?
I have seen this at 3ware http://www.3ware.com/KB/article.aspx?id=12706 But there is only for 32 bit Athlon/Opteron computers.
How can i get a 3w-9xxx driver for centos 3.3?
And what i must do exactly to running these card with centos 3.3 ( installation / kernel )
thanks for every help
Sven Sommerlatt