Craig White wrote:
On Jan 9, 2012, at 3:05 PM, wrote:
I've changed the subject line. It has nothing to do with my question with my original post, that no one seems to have any answer to, what file "image# 1" is looking for.
This bloody email has now been blocked *twice*.
quite simply, it's obviously the methodology that you use to send e-mail and that may very well include 3rd parties.
What third parties? is hosted, as I said, and you seem to ignore, on hostmonster. The same company is also bluehost - they are one and the same: I assume there was a merger a few years back. They funnel all their email through a few mailhosts for the entire hosting provider. *THAT* is what's being blocked.
I've argued before that blocks should be by source - actual source, the oldest "Received-From", not from the last mailer. I think that would a) get the hosts/virtual hosts send out the spam, not the last email host, *and* would block the crap sent out that fraudulently puts in "Reply-to: with other folks' email (I'm really not sending all that spam to addresses in the Netherlands or Italy).
you can choose to fix it or continue to suffer the vagaries that are apparent in your methods to get an e-mail to the intended target - it's your choice. Of course this is not the first time you've complained on the same topic and the cause is still the same.
Yeah. And I've said all along that I don't like dnsorbs, due to what I consider a bad methodology. I am *NOT* going to jump hosting providers every time this happens.
Unless, of course, you have a good-sized hosting provider in the US who charges inexpensive rates for domain hosting that has *NEVER* been blocked.