On Mon, 5 Oct 2009, nate wrote:
ML wrote:
HI All,
How fast does a a small DNS Server need to be? I will have about 10 servers and a few workstations. I have a few older Compaq PIII boxes with 1gb RAM each or I have faster P4 boxes.
Your watch is probably sufficient.
Or your phone...
It wasn't THAT long ago that "monster" servers ran 85MHz SPARC 4d's. (We had a cool 12-proc unit that auto-failed one cpu so I could say with a straight face that I administered the only 11-processor web server I knew...)
Seriously, you'd have to look long and hard to find a computer that didn't have the horsepower to host DNS, DHCP, NTP and static HTTP services.
The bigger issue is ensuring that an older computer has enough disk space to house a modern distro and enough RAM to run modern kernels -- and even then you can tighten things up if you're willing to work with a speciality distro.