+1 for Backuppc.....

On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 7:30 AM, Les Mikesell <lesmikesell@gmail.com> wrote:
Sorin Srbu wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've built a new backup server for our linux-clients.
> Is Amanda the way to go for a backup-solution?
> It seems to be pretty powerful, if a bit finickety to set up initially.
> The way we currently do backups is to use rsync from the clients to two
> folders on an older server that rolls over every other week. This worked fine
> for a while, but the rsync is cumulative and the users generate a tremendous
> amount of data every day after having had a client upgrade with newer and
> hilariously fast computers for calculation. The previous *nix-admin set it up
> this way with rsync, meaning that we in the long run have data that is way
> obsolete and get  increasingly difficult to maintain.
> As the backup solution must be next to free, ie "free beer", Amanda looks
> suitable.
> What do you use for backing up data?

Backuppc is good for this - it can use rsync for the transfers (or tar or smb)
but all duplicate data is compressed and pooled even if found on different
machines and it has an easy setup to control how long old copies are retained.

  Les Mikesell
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