On Sat, 2006-06-10 at 17:54 -0500, Steve wrote:
Johnny Hughes wrote:
someone create a replacement distro for CentOS. I am just not interested in helping someone create a competitor for our Distro ... I can't see how anyone would be confused (or even surprised) about that.
Well, I guess that clarifies matters. :-)
I apologize if my post seemed offensive. Not intended. But even the one word response "Yes" can be ambiguous in certain contexts. At first I took it as "You have not provided enough info to allow people to help you". And then I decided that it might mean "Yes, I've done it and I'll contact you off-list".
And then I just wasn't sure.
I understand and respect your position. My God, CentOS has benefited me and my clients tremendously.
But a rising tide does lift all boats. If the guy needs to modify the live CD to do something specific for his purposes, customers, or whatever, does that hurt CentOS, or help it a little?
I should also fess up and say that my email was really supposed to have gone to Antonio directly and not to the list. My bad. Sorry.
I am not upset nor do I think it is an unreasonable request.
There are probably plenty of people using the Live CD for many things, yet the only real contact I have had concerning it are people who want to remaster it.
I'm not saying that there are not some great uses for that, but I am saying that CentOS only allows _redistribution_ of _unmodified_ CDs with our name on it.
As Daniel already noted, there are plenty of uses for a live CD. But what if someone makes a live CD that looks like CentOS (our splash screens, etc.) and gives it to people ... and if it looks/works like crap ... then what does that do for CentOS?
If people want to create/remaster the live CD, they can go to the documentation that I used:
The scripts that I used are here:
Please ... don't redistribute modified CDs as CentOS.
If you are downloading something from someone and you think it is CentOS, don't do so unless you see the MD5 sum posted on CentOS.org or some other source that you trust. One could put some bad stuff on a LiveCD and distribute it ... stuff that would phone home, open up certain daemons, etc. (Much like Windows Genuine Advantage :)
Thanks, Johnny Hughes