I am in favour of a completely separate website for CentOS , at www.centos.org , obviously linked to the caosity website.
This is the only way IMHO to avoid the current confusion.
This is even better, because it's true that once people hear about
the fact that there is another distrib suggested, he is quite
To have a website completely dedicated to CentOS 3 is far better
these OSes are so different that they are worth having their own
I also agree that separating them would be best. Perhaps a "plug" for the other on the respective websites and that's all. I am also very pleased with CentOS and feel there would be a huge following with only a little extra work on the website. I looked at all the other RHEL distros and tried installing each, I liked this one the best. I'm not a newbe but not a guru either. As an example, when looking for the CentOS maillist, I had a hard time even finding it existed on the website (even though I was subscribed to it already so I knew it existed).
I think a more current FAQ would be nice. I think a common question to add to it is "what can I ask on the Redhat lists vs. what should be asked on this list?".
HTH. Thanks to all who put this together and are making it work.
Cheers, Scott