On 6/5/2014 9:29 AM, Pascal Blétard wrote:
Date: Thu, 5 Jun 2014 05:39:47 -0700 From: jdmls@yahoo.com
I tried it first, but this seems doesn't working for me :/
- Can you send me your whole smb.conf (in particular for "sysvol" and "global" shares)
- Which OS on client? Win7 ?
- What's your distro GNU/Linux?
- Is it a for samba dedicated server? If yes, what's your dependances list ?
- I haven't the "smb-admin" group, have you created it?
- Which are your compilation's options for samba ?
- Which are your options for domain provision ?
I don't know why my environment differs of yours
I think JD's setup is for samba3. Samba4 is written mainly for Active Directory emulation - much more setup stuff is needed.
You should really be reading the samba4 wiki & email list. There's been much work done lately to make the docs on the wiki more coherent and usable.