On Sun, 2006-04-30 at 19:39 -0500, israel.garcia@cimex.com.cu wrote:
Thanks Craig for your soon answer.. I've now the FDS up and running... I am now creating my users in FDS because I want to unify the authentication of my 3 centos servers. BUT, When I create my users in FDS I don't see any option of UID, GID, home directory, etc, so the FDS server return an error and my remote users can't authenticate.......
my question is?
- Can I use FDS to authenticate remote linux users? I mean create in
FDS a user with UID, GID, home directory.
---- yes - if you are using Fedora 'console' application, it should be fairly obvious how to set these up. ----
- Can I set up another server with authconfig (Use LDAP
Authentication) pointing to my FDS?
---- yes but users will still need a home directory (perhaps nfs or automount) ----
- Does FDS do exactly the same of openldap?
---- yes - but both require authconfig to properly set up pam and both require proper configuration of /etc/ldap and /etc/nsswitch ----
- Does anybody knows any way to migrate all users from /etc/passwd to
FDS? (I know openldap does)
---- same tools...padl migration scripts that are actually packaged by redhat as part of openldap-server... yum install openldap-server ls -l /usr/share/openldap/migration ----
- Is FDS better than Openldap?
---- different ----
PD: I just want set up a LDAP server to my network to unify all my servers.
---- makes sense