On Sun, Dec 14, 2008 at 12:31 PM, Kai Schaetzl maillists@conactive.com wrote:
Lanny Marcus wrote on Sat, 13 Dec 2008 15:56:32 -0500:
I hope I can remember ALT-SysRq-b to try to reboot the box.
try it now.
Kai: Thank you! That was a great idea! It does not work on my box. Possibly it isn't in the Kernel? I also tried CTRL-ALT-DEL and that did not work either......
This morning, I had a problem with this box, while trying to use K3b. It couldn't find the CD-RW drive, when I was ready to write the data, although it saw the empty CD-R media in the drive and then crashed and the box rebooted. I am going to run Diagnostics, to see how the HD, RAM and Motherboard are. Lanny