Mark Hull-Richter wrote:
On 5/29/07, Jim Perrin wrote:
Watts = Volts x Amps. I usually use a sliding scale based on # of machines.
That has to be the stupidest marketing strategy ever devised. Most people (yeah, me too) know that, but why can't they SAY so instead of using "VA"?...
Actually, I think there's a technical reason why they don't say 1500W instead of 1500VA. And if you look at the specs for the 1500VA unit, it doesn't work out to 1500W.
Output Power Capacity 980 Watts / 1440 VA Max Configurable Power 980 Watts / 1440 VA Nominal Output Voltage 120V
I don't remember enough of my electrical stuff to say why (it has to do with DC to AC conversion... I think... and maybe some RMS stuff?).