I am running a CentOS 3 server with a kernel version -2.4.21-40. I typically use Webmin to accomplish mounting varied filesystems, but this one has me buffaloed.
We have a Thecus N5400 that was mounted on a Mac and a ton of data was written to it. All of the data was placed in yearly folders with content-related folders below the yearly folders.
When I mount this through Webmin as an smbfs mount, all I see are these files that look something like .Apple01 and some index files. (sorry this was done yesterday, I couldn't leave the network configured and in place to connect to the N5400, and don't remember exactly what it showed). So I assume this is the way the Mac wrote the filesystem.
When I try to mount it as an Apple hfs, I get a message that the fs type is not supported by this kernel.
Might anyone have a clue as to how I can get this mounted to show me the real data the way it looks on the Mac. All I really need to do is to change the mod recursively so that older yearly folders are read only. The web interface for the N5400 has this option, but it only works on the top level yearly folder and not the secondary folders below.
Thanks for any help and I apologize for what could be OT. I guess it depends on how it is answered.
Steve Campbell