I just updated one of our servers to 5.8, and rebooted. In the logs, I saw a bunch of Mar 21 16:29:02 <server> rpc.statd[9783]: recv_rply: can't decode RPC message! Mar 21 16:29:33 <server> last message repeated 442 times Mar 21 16:30:34 <server> last message repeated 835 times Mar 21 16:31:36 <server> last message repeated 884 times Mar 21 16:32:38 <server> last message repeated 856 times Mar 21 16:32:44 <server> last message repeated 111 times
I tried restarting nfslock, and that *appears* to have fixed it. Googling, I found a thread about that at http://nerdbynature.de/s9y/archives/2009/08.html, which suggests that it's starting too early, possibly before portmap is running.
Anyone else see this? Has an old bug snuck back in?