Ljubomir Ljubojevic writes:
I have been having OpenOffice 3.2 for EL 5.x in my repo since it's release, by unpacking it in my repo folder, but I think desktop integration needed some work.
It is much easier to install on several systems from repository. And I created virtual packages to install localized environment that pulls all packages I wanted. And update is much simpler from repository, that is why I am trying to force people to use it that way so we can move it to regular repository.
So Ljubomir, you have unpacked the official rpms and made a repo out of them? That might work, with a meta-package that would pull in the core stuff.. Still not very elegant. I really wish LO people would make a proper repo … I'll mention this in my letter to Santa this year.
In the meanwhile we're probably going to have LO 3.4.5 in 6.3, so it's nice. Apparently 3.5.0 was not quite ready for (enteprise) prime time.