true..but since RHEL and CentOS believe in backporting you get the same features without having to install new versions(which usually introduces new bugs)..<G>..
Johnny Hughes wrote:
On Tue, 2004-09-14 at 06:24, William Warren wrote:
depends on your definition of downlgrade..i see it as the oposite..fedora's lifecycle is not nearly as long as RHEL 3..:)
Agreed, from a stability and lifecycle perspective, CentOS is much better than (and in my opinion an upgrade to) Fedora Core 1.
But from a package perspective, many of the items in an up2date Fedora Core 1 install are newer than the packages in CentOS, so they won't upgrade via yum (since the installed Fedora Core 1 packages are already newer).
Johnny Hughes wrote:
On Mon, 2004-09-13 at 20:51, Johnny Hughes wrote:
It is a downgrade and not an upgrade to go from CentOS to Fedora Core 1 ... CentOS is an upgrade from RedHat 9 but a Downgrade from FC1.
I meant that it is a downgrade to go from FC1 to CentOS ... as RHEL 3 was released from RedHat 9.0 code, then FC1 was released later.
Johnny Hughes
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