Am 06.08.2012 19:44, schrieb Rainer Duffner:
Am 06.08.2012 um 19:22 schrieb Cal Sawyer
In my experience, LAG/LACP won't provide aggregatation, only failover and fault tolerance. For link aggregation, you don't need to configure the switch ports - just set bonding to mode=6 for balanced transmit/receive and plug up the the NICs to a group of ports on the switch. However, balance-alb doesn't help with single stream rsync/FTP sessions, etc, but helps a lot with concurrent transmits/receives as encountered in typical fileserver scenarios.
On FreeBSD, you don't get 2*1 Gbit from A to B, but 1*1 Gbit from A to B and another 1*1 Gbit from C to B. "B" being the server with the LAGG interface.
How is that in CentOS?
It is of course the same, as long as we speak about standardized 802.3ad protocol.