On Fri, Jul 03, 2009 at 12:32:13PM +0200, Ralph Angenendt wrote:
Niki Kovacs wrote:
Since I'm completely new to the subject, can someone suggest some *newbie-friendly* introduction to LDAP? By "newbie-friendly", I mean ideally:
- well explained
- step by step
If you're into dead-tree docs, I like ORA's LDAP book:
I like that it has a chapter on the Perl Net::LDAP module; it helped me write some tools to help me admin my LDAP server.
I really liked "LDAP for Rocket Scientists":
What if one's not a rocket scientist?!? :)
One thing the above URL doesn't really cover is configuring the directory for authentication against an LDAP server using NSS or PAM. The DNs need particular objectClasses and other attributes in order for pam_ldap or nss_ldap to be able to function properly. (The ORA book does cover this, though it's not the strongest chapter.) (Once the LDAP server is configured correctly, just use system-config-authentication to configure the CentOS clients.)