Just for the record, we are currently working with someone from SGI to
get a much better implementation of XFS working with the centosplus
I want to wait to push the centosplus unsupported kernel (2.6.9-22
until we have this new and much more stable version of XFS code
Hmm- as time ticks past I'm starting to feel less comfortable about
this change of policy. Granted that I have no rights to complain, or to
request anything at all - and if I really felt strongly about this then
I should just grab the kernel srpm and build it myself.
I am still using the 2.6.9-11.106.unsupported kernel on one box in
order to let me use the mythtv rpms from the atrpms repository - and I
only need it to gain the extra tv card drivers that aren't in the
standard centos kernel. So I now have a box with an obscure port facing
the 'net with a slightly out-of-date kernel. Not a huge issue for me,
and as I said, if I cared more about it I'd get down and do some
rpmbuilding of my own. But nevertheless this appears to be a shift of
policy for what I understood (quite possibly incorrectly) the
centosplus kernel to be about.
I don't suppose you'd consider having a centosplusplus or centosextreme
repository where you push the kernel much further than centosplus- and
keep centosplus very close to the 'proper' centos kernel for those of
us who just want a few extra modules switched back on but also want to
stick as close as possible to the main kernel?
Thanks for all your efforts- please don't take this as a complaint at
all, the whole centos team does an awesome job - I'm really trying to
be as constructive as possible with this mail.