Joe Pruett wrote:
Hmmmm, OK, I get it.
I know I can build the latest Apache on CentOS, and what we currently do is put it into /usr/local - which I guess works.
I'd really prefer to have an RPM though.
Certainly the CentOS team as a way in which they produce this RPM. Is this method public? And if so, is it easy to obtain, and run against the latest Apache source code to produce my own RPM?
there is the redhat webstack (rhwas) code base to use. it has newer http, php, mysql, postgres, etc. i have grabbed those srpms from and built my own repo. centos has a testing repo that is doing the same kind of thing, but has been a bit spotty with keeping up with changes from upstream. maybe that has cleared up now, but since i put the effort into my own repo, i haven't kept tabs. kbsingh has talked about making a sub repo just for the webstack code, but i don't think that has ever happened. _______________________________________________
The RHWAS for c4 is released, the one for c5 is not released yet.