On 1/29/20 12:34 PM, Jerry Geis wrote:
Sorry for the noise... My machine must not be working. I copied the iso to
another machine, did the same command as always and worked just fine. not
sure what is up with my normal box. Has always worked before.
[problem with my subscription, sorry if this is a duplicate.]
Just a suggestion - look for "large" files in /dev/ on your old machine. An incorrect output file name will leave a big file there, rather than write to the device you intended. Something like:
find /dev -size +1G -ls
I use the dd option 'oflag=direct' to do direct I/O on the output. Eliminates the need for sync. Coupled with 'status=progress' you can get a real indication of how fast your storage device is.
dd bs=4M oflag=direct status=progress if=some.iso of=/dev/sdX