Therese, the setroubleshoot package mentioned here was installed by default on my system. If you go to that after you have had a failure it generally tells you what it saw as a threat, and what to do about it if it should be allowed. Usually it's just a matter of copy and paste a line of command.
Thanks Anne,
Will setting to permissive prevent real time threats, or just tell me what happened after the fact of a failure?
I'm no expert on this, Therese, but I doubt the advice you've been given that setting to permissive is the same as having it disabled. Why? Because I had quite a number of problems with it set to permissive, mainly ones that stopped samba working. Once I had sorted out the necessary commands samba has behaved without problems. If it was as ineffective as setting it to disabled I would not have had to do this. I'd say set it to permissive, use setroubleshooter, and if you still can't sort it, either post here what setroubleshooter says about it or google for parts of the message.
Thanks Anne,
Just a note that I re enabled SELinux, and even though I was not able to get a connection to a MySQL database in OpenOffice 2.3 earlier with SELinux set to enforcing, now I am able to connect with SELinux set to enforcing. This may have been due to a separate issue related to the JRE problem I had, which has been resolved.
What I don't understand now, is that when I run a /usr/sbin/sestatus, I get the below output:
SELinux status: enabled SELinuxfs mount: /selinux Current mode: permissive Mode from config file: enforcing Policy version: 21 Policy from config file: targeted
And when I run: selinuxenabled && echo $?
I get zero for output...:
...which I assume means that selinux is enabled - set to enforcing.
How is it possible that Selinux is set to Enforcing and is ALSO showing a current mode of Permissive? Can anyone give me some insights on this? _________________________________________________________________ Helping your favorite cause is as easy as instant messaging. You IM, we give.