On Fri, Oct 9, 2009 at 1:46 AM, vijay shanker vijaydshanker@gmail.com wrote:
Hi Linux geeks,
I have just started to setup a production server with centos; and moved from windows server to centos. My first encounter with this great linux distro is good.
I am not able to understand what is the point of having scattered folders for apache server installation.
when i see the /etc/httpd folder; it has only conf folder and links to logs, module and , run. As i have been working on Windows where all these files are stored in a single installation folder.
So, this makes me quite confused to start with.
Can anyone tell me what is the idea behind using such a installation pattern.
Now i am going to install java, I have two options via RPM and other is extracting the distro and use it. i have a feeling if i use first option, all the folders like jre and jdk will be palced any where. Not to be found.
Please tell me or point to any relevant link. so i can go ahead without any doubt over this issue.
-- Regards, Vijay Shanker
CentOS mailing list CentOS@centos.org http://lists.centos.org/mailman/listinfo/centos
Did it ever make since for everybody and their brother to install everything under c:\windows\system32? That everything in system32 nightmare scares me security wise and functionality wise. WinVistA fixes that through file and registry system virtualization - that means even more places for your files.
Some of the IIS stuff is in the registry and some in metabase and some in files. At least with nix, all the locations can be searched with a single find command - not so in windows.
If you modify something in Linux using a GUI, but need the text file equivalent, the following command can help. touch /tmp/now install your app or make changes using a gui find / -newer /tmp/now | grep -v /proc/
There are a few improvements on this, but that can get you started.