On Wednesday 07 February 2018 14:57:47 Timotheus Pokorra wrote:
Search for websockets and html5.
eg. http://srchea.com/build-a-real-time-application-using-html5-websockets
all the best, Timotheus
Thanks for this. Looks a very interesting article, and exactly what I'm looking for.
Thanks Leon for your reply too. I do already make use of JS and XMLHttpRequest in my pages but they are all driven by the client / JS code.
The new project will see 20+ users all managing a jobs list status page. Rather than have all 20+ browsers poll the server every n seconds, I want a method where if one user updates a job status it updates the server, and the server then kicks the other clients into pulling the update.
The websockets above may well be the answer I need.