On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 6:19 PM, Bob Hoffmanbob@bobhoffman.com wrote:
Be prepared to restore from a backup too, doesn't look good.
No need to...Seagate screws me again. 3rd bad hard drive on this server. Unbelievable. Under warranty, but...grrrr.
One tip I try to adhere to, although hard to follow when setting up a new computer is this...
Try to get drives from different manufacturing batches. Buy from different online stores, talk to the cust service of places like newegg, etc...
If you buy a drive that was part of a bad batch the drive may still survive. The likely hood of it having an issue is high though. If that batch has problems there is high probablility all your drives in that batch can go bad.
Hard to take the time, but seems worth it. If one fails, all can fail if from the same batch. Lessen odds, buy different batches.
That is probably excellent advice, if one does not need identical drives, for RAID or something. Several times, in the past 7 1/2 years, on the OLM support site, I've seen where a server is down because of multiple drive failures.