sorry. that's centos 4.3...sorry.
On 1/5/07, Erick Perez wrote:
Hi, I need some guidance to pinpoint a potential problem and I'm not sure where is the problem. I have a setup with: centos 4.4 dvd on i386 mailscanner uebimiau (webmail) 2.7.10 httpd-2.0.52-22.ent.centos4 httpd-suexec-2.0.52-22.ent.centos4 dovecot-0.99.11-2.EL4.1
The thing is that 3 of my 45 users complained that from the webmail the address book and the sent items are missing. Cheking those accounts in the webmail, I see that the address book and the sent mails dissapeared.
this installation is 6 months old and we never had a glitch and I haven't upgraded anything.
Im looking for hints to: --find a uebimiau support group --where to check in /var/spool/mail or /home/username the sent mails, maybe they are there but are not shown in the web interface. --some hints as to why this happened.
thanks in advance,
Erick Perez Panama, Republica de Panama Cel Panama. +(507) 6694-4780