On Tue, 2015-02-10 at 17:59 -0700, Warren Young wrote:
On Feb 10, 2015, at 4:28 PM, Always Learning centos@u64.u22.net wrote:
- PDFs can be created by *NON-ADOBE* software.
And SWFs can be generated by non-Adobe software, and JARs can be generated by non-Oracle software. What’s your point? Is it that only Evil Corporations can create software that can be used for evil purposes?
Are you back on the “F/OSS software is invulnerable” bandwagon already, after being knocked off it a week or two back?
PDF's (well most of them) can be opened by non-Adobe PDF-type software.
So what do you do when you get a PDF that *can’t* be opened by your non-Adobe PDF reader? Do you discard it and go find another way to get the content, or do you grumble and fire up acroread?
- The Russian's web site is that of a devote cyclist.
I’m a devout cyclist, too, yet you’ve apparently decided I’m an enemy.
Warren, I have never declared you to be an "enemy". I am an all weather cyclist who used take his bike as luggage on aircraft.
What makes this other guy unimpeachable?
I could care less that he’s Russian, or a cyclist. What I care is that he’s purposely providing illicit goods.
Then go and complain to the USA's FBI on +1.202-324 3000. It is not a Centos issue !
That’s enough for me to distrust what he’s providing.
This Russian cyclist doesn’t even have to be the source of the evil. Chances are that he didn’t buy this PDF from an official source and offer it directly. It’s far more likely that he’s just another step in the chain back to the original source. Why are you trusting all of them, too?
Warren, it is senseless you wasting your valuable time trying to make me do what you want.
Please don't waste your time moaning about something which is not related to Centos.
Make you? How am I going to accomplish that? I have no power over you.
I just thought that, since you were Always Learning, you’d want someone to tell you when they saw you doing something that could compromise your security.
I never stated I was stupid. Being in the world's top 2% of brainy people neither deprives me of decisiveness nor of thoughtful consideration. Having encountered my first M$ boot virus circa 1987 ? and having seen others experiencing M$ viruses, I am aware of the dangers.
This thread is unproductive.