Tony Schreiner wrote:
Jerry Geis wrote:
I am trying things like "yum provides alsamixer" on centox 5.2 i386 and x86_64 also "yum provides vi" "yum provides gvimdiff" "yum provides dumpiso" "yum provides uname"
All of these return "no matches found"
is something broke???
These are just examples. I was trying to do "yum provides xf86Modes.h" it returns no matches also.
Jerry _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list
For files try
yum provides '*/vi' etc...
I think this is new behavior for yum
Tony Schreiner _______________________________________________ CentOS mailing list
I recently discovered this "feature" in a thread on fedora-list[1].
I did mention that maybe the yum manpage ought to be updated to inform the user, as I always wondered why it never worked for me until I saw the post. Although I knew that globs could be used with certain yum commands, I wasn't aware you needed to use them with this one.