Freenx is packaged, so there is nothing to installing it. The only thing remotely time-consuming is getting the unique key it puts in /etc/nxserver/client.id_dsa.key on the server side into the client, which you can do in the GUI configuration
I guess you are right on that account. I got it yum installed and the nxclient in Windows up in less than 5 minutes. It's been half an hour since I tried to log in. Copied the users public dsa and imported it, didn't work. Tried uninstalling and reinstalling with options to ensure I was using the default nomachine key which hopefully the windows client is setup with by default, didn't work. Although there was some error about passwd being unsafe and using -f. Googling around didn't turn up much useful information except some other folks were having the same problem without resolution.
Finally tried copy and pasting the key through vnc, didn't work either.
So I'm giving up for now. The answer's probably in documentation somewhere but I've been going through tons of documentation/readme/faqs/KB for work with more to digest that I just don't have the energy to spend on something unessential for now.
Thanks anyway for the suggestion, will try again when I am more free.